Black bear hunting is not as easy as people believe, it takes skill and patience. You must be scent free and very still. Bears can appear like ghosts, without a sound. You must be able to control your nerves to make the perfect shot. Tracking a black bear is one of the most difficult tasks a hunter will face. With their thick fat, and long hair there is not much of a blood trail.
A typical day at black bear camp you can expect to check your bait in the morning, fish or rest during mid day, and be in your stand by 3 or 4 o'clock. It is common to see bear activity from 3 pm until dark. Most baits have multiple bears visiting them. You will also get a chance to see martin, fisher, timber wolves, moose and whitetail deer around the baits.
We provide all the bear bait you need although bringing some extra sweets such as, honey, maple syrup or molasses will help your bait. Baits are cleared and ready for tree stand with wind direction in mind, we take you to your stand so you know how to get there and back to the camp each night. We retrieve your bear and if needed have access to bear tracking dogs. We will skin your trophy and can arrange for butchering as well. I am also a taxidermist so I can do it all from getting the bear to you bait and on to your wall. Trail cameras are setup to see the activity at your bait. The bear populations are very strong in this area of Ontario, Canada with more, and more sightings each year.
5 Day Ontario Black Bear Hunting Packages: $1600 USD
Black Bear Hunting Dates
September 1st to 5th
September 6th to 10th
We will accommodate hunters that wish to stay longer.
$450 deposit is due at booking. The remainder is due upon arrival.